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Man's nature is to deflect when disappointed and scared.


The stories L. Tumbaga narrated in this book show that life is a redemption story made of many stories quilted together by difficulties and challenges. Although these memoirs are melancholic sometimes over dramatic, she hopes for the reader to see the ultimate ending of each memoir to be of a love story where God is the Great Protagonist.


"A story of hope, a story of love, a story how God can make a ruined life worth living again. This is how this book will surely inspire everyone who reads it. Lewy perfectly presents her life to become an inspiration to those who have lost their way and a profound lesson to those who have doubts in surrendering their life to the Author of Life." - Ed Villacorte, Lay Leader, Speaker and Author


No. of Pages: 155


Publisher: Claretian Communications Foundation, Inc.

Redeemed. How Did I Know I Was?: A Collection of Memoirs by L. Tumbaga

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