Along with the growing uncertainty of our times, a literary genre becomes more widespread—one they call 'memoir.' In French, it means remembering or reminiscence.
Memoir is a first-person narrative account about an event, an episode, or a chapter of the author's life. If you're writing a real-life event that has happened to you, then you're most likely writing a memoir. In fact, famous books-turned-into-movies like Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom, and Wild by Cheryl Strayed are all memoirs.
Want to know more about this genre?

Here's your chance: Join Feast Books' "Writing About Memories: An Online Memoir Writing Workshop" happening on September 3, 2022, from 2 to 5 PM, via Zoom! Learn from Elaine Marie Factor (author, memoir writing mentor, and founder of Scribblory) as she shares her knowledge and experience in writing and teaching the art.
Workshop highlights:
Be introduced to the art of recalling, narrating, and preserving memories
Learn the benefits of undergoing the memoir writing process
Gain self-discovery through examining one's past experiences
Get tips on how you can write your life stories creatively
Virtually meet, catch wisdom from, and exchange stories with fellow participants

Quick Backstory About the Facilitator:
In 2016, Elaine Marie Factor entered the convent to discern if her childhood dream to become a nun was for her. Prior to her entry, she resigned from the teaching job she loved, left the comforts of her home, and bade farewell to her family and friends.
After her months of stay in the nunnery, she discerned that she could serve God and His people better outside the convent. So, she left. And with the intention to preserve everything that she had learned in the religious formation and to help her friends who were discerning for religious life, she wrote Finding You: A Memoir on Dreams, Detours, and Destiny. In April 2017, this was published by Shepherd's Voice Publication and launched in different branches of Bro. Bo Sanchez's The Feast. Eventually, it became a finalist under Youth Category in Jaime Cardinal Sin Catholic Book Awards 2017.

Eager to share what blessing she had received, she started offering Memoir Writing Tutorials to aspiring authors and conducted one-to-one writing sessions in coffee shops. Her program later evolved into Memoir Writing Workshops, lengthened into Memoir Writing Classes, and now, Memoir Writing Bootcamps. The tears and joys she witnessed and the nuggets of wisdom she caught from every memoir writing session were what motivated her to keep on teaching and spreading memoir especially in the Philippines.
Today, Elaine is a teacher-of-all-ages, creative writer, editor, family biographer, memoir writing mentor, and the founder of Scribblory Writing and Tutorial Services as well as Scribblory Writers Group, her beloved writing community.
Sign up for "Writing About Memories: An Online Memoir Writing Workshop" and get a chance to avail copies of Elaine's two books, Finding You: A Memoir on Dreams, Detours, and Destiny, and her newly-released book on memoir, Scribbling from Memory!