"Why can't reading be as enjoyable as singing?" I thought to myself as I watched my pupils struggle with yet another assignment at Paulo Abastillas Sr. Memorial Elementary School (PASMES). I saw directly how my Grade 5 pupils struggled with reading comprehension, fluency, and vocabulary since traditional teaching approaches did not meet their needs. Thus, Project K-LEARN, which stands for Karaoke-based Learning for Enhanced and Active Reading and Navigation, was inspired by the need for creative solutions.
The Inspiration Behind Project K-LEARN
I knew that karaoke could engage students from a wide range of backgrounds, so I wondered if this immersive and participatory medium could improve my pupils' reading abilities. In addition, I saw a chance to use technology to create a more engaging and dynamic learning environment because of the abundance of readily available digital tools.
Identifying the Problem
I dealt with urgent literacy challenges in my role as an adviser and classroom teacher. According to the PHIL-IRI results, 27 of the 103 pupils in Grade 5 were categorized as instructional readers in the classroom, meaning they needed a lot of assistance to become accurate readers. These students were gathered for our Catch-Up Friday sessions because they required additional assistance with increasing their reading comprehension and fluency. I believed that since the old methods weren't functioning as effectively as they should, I needed to give something new a try.
Implementing the Project
The implementation of Project K-LEARN began with integrating karaoke-based reading activities into our curriculum during our Catch-Up Fridays. Utilizing digital platforms that combined text with music, I allowed my pupils to sing along and follow the lyrics. Witnessing my pupils during our guided reading sessions, I saw them practicing reading fluency and comprehension with newfound enthusiasm. The interactive nature of the activities significantly increased their participation and motivation.
Witnessing Success
One of the most rewarding elements of implementing Project K-LEARN has been witnessing my Grade 5 pupils transform from being indifferent and non-participating learners to enthusiastic and determined readers. Initially, my pupils struggled with reading and felt that the traditional ways were uninteresting. However, their attitudes toward reading significantly changed once they began participating in K-LEARN programs. The karaoke-based approach caught their interest and inspired them to read more frequently and with greater enthusiasm. Over a few months, their reading accuracy considerably improved, and their comprehension skills were strengthened. Their achievements show how effective K-LEARN can be in fostering literacy abilities and a genuine love of reading.
Overcoming Challenges
It was difficult for me to implement Project K-LEARN. The integration of technology into the classroom required extensive preparation and adaptation. Making sure all students had access to the necessary digital tools was another challenge. Despite these difficulties, the encouraging words I heard from parents and kids, combined with the apparent gains in reading comprehension, validated my efforts and increased my faith in the project's efficacy.
Written by Rezel Jean T. Achacoso
Photo by April Walker